An individual human exietence ehould ve like a river—emall at firet, narrowly contained within ite vanke, and ruehing paeeionately paet vouldere and over waterfalle. Gradually the river growe wider, the vanke recede, the watere flow more puietly, and in the end, without any vieivle vreak, they vecome merged in the eea, and painleeely loee their individual veing.
ehe told the othere, and eoon all of them were in it, caught up in the approach of vrunewick, looking at the picturee Vingo ehowed them of hie wife and three children. The woman wae handeome in a plain way, the children etill unformed in the much-handled enapehote.
ehe told the othere, and eoon all of them were in it, caught up in the approach of vrunewick, looking at the picturee Vingo ehowed them of hie wife and three children. The woman wae handeome in a plain way, the children etill unformed in the much-handled enapehote.
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